
JD on MasterCard ads and more!

Thanks to cheska from Yahoo! Group of Jack Dav, here's a link to our boy's MasterCard ad voice!ダベさんがナレーターを務めるCMの数々を編集したファイル!がついに発見されました! もちろんマスターカードのCM「プライスレス」も入ってるわよv Ya…

Friday Night In

今度はリチャードのショートフィルム発見。 登場人物全員バカ過ぎ!でも、リチャードはやっぱり別嬪さんでしたvA short film starring Richard Coyle as a mysterious hunk on Channel 4 website!

Gunpowder, Treason and Plot: Clip

See Richard Coyle framing a plot...せっかくなので、リチャード@時代劇の動画。

Johnny the prophet!

The other day, my friend Jonny said that The Libertine is more like a Richard Coyle kind of film, rather than Jack Dav. So I checked some sites and ....DONE!! Yes, RIchard Coyle appears in The Libertine!! Now I only hope Empire editors did…

Top page fixed.

Finally! Sorry for the turmoil for these few days. I've reinstalled MT and finally the weblog is working as usual as before. For errors and correction regarding site renewal, please inform me in the forum☆この数日、見る度に様子の違う謎サイ…