Interview with JD on Metro

Sorry for a belated reminder.


イギリスが舞台だけどアメリカ資本の"The Wedding Date"について。日本人にとっての「ラストサムライ」のように、本物のイギリス人にとっては、どうにも落ち着かない部分が多々あるようです。イギリス映画界にもっと資本があればこんな思いはせずにすむのだが〜と相変わらずな調子で語ってます。


Jack Davenport

by Andrew Williams, April 22nd, 2005

Actor Jack Davenport became something of a heart-throb in the mid-1990s thanks to his role in This Life, before going on to head the cast in dating-themed sitcom Coupling. More recently, he's found work in Hollywood, starring in Pirates Of The Caribbean and its sequels. He's also in The Wedding Date, a comedy which opens today.

The Wedding Date looks like a chick flick - are you a fan of the genre?
It's a difficult genre to get right - the fact that they're labelled chick flicks suggests they're more interesting to women than men but the ones that work manage to strike a balance between the two. I've done quite a few of them and I like doing them because, unlike out-and-out comedies, romantic comedies try to tell a story and make people laugh along the way. Trying to get that combination right is interesting.

This is an ensemble-type film - you've got a lot of experience of those with This Life and Coupling. Is there a particular way of approaching them?
Not really. It's mainly down to the decisions casting directors and producers make. As actors, we're not in on that; we just turn up on the day and do our thing. But that's what acting's all about, interacting with other actors, whatever scene you might be doing. It either comes together or doesn't and, on this occasion, I think it has.

It's an American film set in Britain - those kind of films can often look a bit bizarre to British audiences.
Yes, sometimes they can but that's inevitable. If our film industry had enough vibrancy and money, we might be able to go over to America and do films about British people in America, which American audiences would feel the same way about, but that ain't happening at the moment. So, yes, we can sit around and feel patronised or we can be a little bit grateful that films are being made here at all. It's not a perfect scenario but it's the way it is. If the Government funded the arts properly, we wouldn't be in this situation.

Moving from UK sitcoms to US movies must have increased your celebrity cachet. Do you get to issue extravagant demands now?
Yes, I insist my dressing room is freshly painted and scented candles are to be lit in my presence. No, of course I don't issue demands and I haven't changed at all as a person. I think ソcelebrity' is a very misused and dangerous term these days. It can mean the woman off Driving School or some bloke who's been kicked out of the Big Brother house. To me, a celebrity is someone like Spencer Tracy or Katharine Hepburn. That isn't why I do this anyway. I do it because I like the work.

Are you filming the Pirates Of The Caribbean sequels anywhere nice?
Yes. The clue is in the title. Pirates Of The Thames Estuary might not be as popular. We have got to film in some nice locations and that's been a big bonus for doing these films. It's a ten-month shoot.

You've just completed filming The Libertine, a biopic about the Earl Of Rochester, with Johnny Depp.
Yes, the Earl Of Rochester was a very debauched man. He was a genius but couldn't keep it in his pants and ended up dying of syphilis. What little I have seen of the footage so far has been amazing. The cast is great with Johnny Depp, Samantha Morton and John Malkovich. By the end of this year, I'll have worked with Johnny more than I've worked with any other actor.

'Celebrity' is a very misused term these days. To me, a celebrity is someone like Katharine Hepburn
What's he like to work with?
He's delightful. He really is one of the nicer people I know. As an actor, he's incredibly imaginative and that's very interesting. If you're playing his straight man, which I am to an extent in the Pirates films, it's fun seeing what kind of work you can create together because he's such an accomplished and clever performer.

You were nominated for an Olivier Award in 2001 - do you plan to go back to the theatre?
I want nothing more than to do some theatre in London again - it's just a question of someone wanting me to do some. It's a very different environment to work in from film, obviously, and as an actor you're much more in control. It's the place where you learn to get better and take risks.