Glee NPH出演回は、ジョス・ウィードンが演出!

Gleeニール・パトリック・ハリス出演回 Dream Onは本国で5月18日放送だそうです。なんとDr. Horribleで作詞・作曲・脚本・演出を手掛け、NPHの友人でもあるジョス・ウィードンが演出してくれるんですね。Castleのネイサン・フィリオンもカメオ出演してくれないかしら*1。放送が待ちきれませんv

サブタイトルが"Dream On"ということは、あのエアロスミスの名曲をNPHとシュー先生で熱唱する可能性も?楽しみです!


ちなみに役名の「ブライアン・アダム」は、「ブライアン・アダムスに楽曲使用を断られたから」という噂が出ているようですが(コールドプレイも断ったという噂)、Foxミュージックのトップ ジェフ・バイウォーターによれば「楽曲使用を断ったアーティストはいない」そうです。真相やいかに??

"Show choir ruined his life, made him feel he could be a star, but all he could do is book Carnival cruises," states the EW source. Bryan attempts to cut the school's art funding which sets off a climactic duet between NPH and Matthew Morrison, who plays Will Schuester.
Besides all of the juicy story tidbits above, this is also the episode that will be directed by the evil-genius Joss Whedon. After see what Whedon and NPH were able to do with Dr. Horrible it's tough to imagine this episode not being the best of the season. But then again, that's just the sort of thing to get our hopes carelessly out of whack! And what about Harris' character name, Bryan Adams? It certainly adds some fuel to the rumors that Bryan Adams (as well as Coldplay) turned the show down on allowing their songs to be used. Geoff Bywater, head of Fox music, has said that nobody has turned them down, but that hasn't stopped the rumors, and certainly won't now. Good times indeed.

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*1:Dr.Horribleの敵役Captain Hammerで出演。とっても美声v