
Suitsのマイク・ロス(可愛い方)役のパトリック・J・アダムズ Patrick J. Adams(以下PJA)が、お財布を失くしてしまったそうです。






写真好きなので当然flickrにもアカウントがあるし、公式ウェブサイト:: PATRICK J ADAMS ::にはFLASH使いまくりの格好いいウェブアルバムがあるのですが、携帯からでも見られるtumblrで写真のアップデートしてくれてて、見ててかなり楽しいです。Burning Man Fesにも中古スクールバスに乗り込んで、友達と大勢で参加してみたり(「友達」がミヒャエル・ファスベンダーに似ててちょっとびっくり。他人の空似ですよね、たぶん。接点がよく分かりません)、ただの可愛い子ちゃん若手俳優だと思ってナメてるともったいない人かもしれない。


My Wallet: An Obituary
Dear Wallet,

Ive been tired. The work has been long and hard, the days have all blended into one another. And so when I put you on the roof of my car while filling my gas tank I did so absently. Maybe it was the terrifying price of gas that stole my attention…or perhaps I was distracted by the promise of a hamburger dinner that I had made to myself. Whatever the cause, i left you cold and solitary on the roof, exposed to the humid Canadian night. The sad truth is that I didn’t even take note of your absence until I went to reach for you to pay for that fateful hamburger. So many miles now between us, I knew that hope was all but gone, yet I drove, fast and determined. My imagination tried to paint your last moments in vivid clarity. I replayed every turn and the speed at which it was made, attempting to triangulate the exact moment that you would have lifted off into the night air. I ran all the numbers…calculating your potential trajectory and speed as you bounced off the hard, Canadian concrete and came to rest….where? I parked my car, with flashers blazing, and skimmed the surface of streets and on ramps with only the help of the occasional splash of oncoming headlights.

You are gone now. And I have to accept that. I would be lying to myself if I denied the quiet hope that some saintly road worker might lift you up again and decide to travel you back into my loving hands. In the interest of moving on though I must release you. I must use this incident as a reminder that I am not the things I own and that any object in this delicate world can never be held on to forever.

So, Wallet, I say my goodbyes with a heart full of gratitude. We always knew this time would come didn’t we? So many times before we came close to parting ways. But now it’s real. And the pain of loss will have to give way to some renewed perspective…some expansion of consciousness…to quote Kerouac, I must learn to “accept loss forever”.

Fare thee well, Wallet. Thank you and Godspeed.